“Hope is last to die”: this is what Italians say and it embodies our long wait before giving this announcement.
In the latest months the world has been hit by a pandemic that has left on the ground and is still claiming victims without interruption. When it seemed that things were going better, we’ve started recording a surge in new cases with on the horizon a possible return to lockdown.
When I thought about the AcademyDays, 10 years ago, the essential motivation was to get together once a year to meet and know each other live, to shake hands, to learn new things and to share pleasant and fun moments together as technology was already giving us the possibility to connect and create a community in the online world. COVID-19 brought everything back to the starting point, forcing us back to our monitor and rethink our normality.
Today the idea of offering again the live experience of the past years would not only seem anachronistic but would also be irresponsible. An event full of joy and positivity like the AcademyDays has been in the past 10 years can’t turn into a danger to the health of our community. So we have reluctantly decided to postpone the AcademyDays to the next 2021 in the hope that we can all meet once again to share beautiful moments together.

However, as SOA, we feel the responsibility towards those who have trusted us in the past years, towards our community and toward all those who are suffering from the pandemic to do something concrete. For these reasons we are proud to announce the online event entitled “AD2020: Sharing is Caring” that will be broadcast on December 3rd and 4th, 2020 starting at 2 pm (GMT + 1) to 6:30 pm (GMT + 1) on our Zoom platform. The event is free for all participants and it will aim to raise funds for Red Cross International an organization helping communities affected by armed conflict and violence in over 90 countries. The ICRC is working to address the most pressing needs arising from the COVID-19 outbreak as the disease represents a dramatic threat to the lives of people living in conflict zones, where health systems have been ravaged by war.

I’m sure that our Industry and community won’t disappoint us with their generosity and maturity supporting us in this cause. And to all the Artists who will offer their time to create something unique and to the sponsors who will help us support our project, I already say thank you for the commitment and enthusiasm shown.
Knowing that all together we can contribute to a good cause gives us motivation to work on something important and that will surely leave a good memory to those who will be part of it.
Finally in the next few days we will open a call to action on our website addressed to all artists and companies who want to contribute to the event as speakers in order to embrace as many topics and diversity as possible.
Never as in these days I believe it is everyone’s responsibility to give our contribution to alleviate the suffering of those who suffer and it will be fantastic to get together even if in a virtual way to achieve this goal until the next occasion when we can physically meet each other again.

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