In its 11 years of story, SoA Academy has hosted people from 90 different countries.

I have to admit I never imagined when starting this venture back then, our voice could sprout so widely around the planet. And what’s important, I never imagined how much everybody, from students to SOA Team, could benefit from that variety. 

Diversity is a positive value

Meeting men and women throughout these years from different cultures, mindsets and habits helped us to better understand the world and made us better humans. I firmly believe that when there’s a mix of different ideas and views, every person is driven to make a step forward, improving their creativity and helping them to achieve success by listening to different voices and opinions. We’ve seen this during every class, and thankfully now that we are seeing the end of the pandemic, we can’t wait to re-start experiencing this again in the following months.

The list of anecdotes that took place here with so much diversity is endless, but the outstanding fact is that everyone always felt under the same flag despite their origin, belief, religion or race. I would say that sharing the same passion for ArchViz, and the willingness to improve and break every barrier has been the impulse to maybe forget whether their countries were fighting or their faith was the opposite. 

Sabina & Shubham - Masterclass#22
Sabina & Shubham - Masterclass#22
Margo & Rana - Masterclass #27

Making images is a fantastic job because we can talk through them no matter what our culture, color, or country is. This lets people be free, and this is what really counts for us.

When you create the conditions to meet someone who feels free, then you’re seeing that person’s essence, and it is at that point that a friendship starts.

What makes me proud is that many SOA students became very good friends after spending a month here and even became business partners in real life!

Another important aspect we encourage is networking between the students and the whole community. Being part of an industry, we believe that it is crucial to meet and talk with Artists and Studios from all over the world. That’s the main reason why we created the AcademyDays: a yearly gathering to spend a good time together, learn something new, and meet people to realize that even if our friends do not understand what we do every day, there’s people with the same interests as you. 


Taking a course at SoA Academy or attending the AcademyDays is the way how your career can get a step forward. So if you are not part of the family yet, we’ll look forward to welcoming you soon for our upcoming classes.

And also remember to join our Discord server with dedicated channel for our former students.


Next Masterclasses at our Academy in Italy are just round the corner.

Have a look at the topics and book your seat!

Italian ArchViz Masterclass from July 5 to 30, 2021.
English ArchViz Masterclass from September 6 to October 1, 2021 and from November 8 to December 3, 2021.

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