December 10, 2014
We are glad to publish the following interview to our friend Pedro Fernandes of Arqui9, which was recorded during the SOA AcademyDay#5.

We are glad to publish the following interview to our friend Pedro Fernandes of Arqui9, which was recorded during the SOA AcademyDay#5.

Thanks to the precious help of our media partner Ronen Beckerman, we will explore Pedro’s background and discover how his passion for architecture and his continuous research have led him to the amazing results, which we are used to.

With this last interview, we would like to thank you again all participants to this record edition. We are really happy that the Academy Day has become the focus for our industry. Our promise is to make this day even more perfect by working on the search of new interesting topics and keeping a sober and professional style, which has always characterized us. We are already working for the next SOA AcademyDay#6 and soon we will reveal the date and place so that the participants can get ready for it in advance.

As always, Stay Tuned!

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