I’d tell you a story:
once upon a time there was a young boy, who was rich and powerful, with a wonderful house on a hill. He’s waiting for his girlfriend. She’s walking in the beach and asking herself when she could meet her boyfriend. Unfortunately she didn’t trust her boyfriend anymore and had hired a private detective to monitor the boy. One day the young boy was killed to settle a score and his dead body was found in the living room. The investigation was conducted and the day after Aristotle appeared in the garden asking himself “what am I doing here?”
Well, you may not understand it (you should watch with attention the images created), but I’m sure the students of the Masterclass#16 are laughing. It’s been a tough month but we’ve passed it by learning and focusing on a really important architectural project such as the Panama House. The outcomes are excellent and I’m sure that a big future is in front of these 12 guys, who in this month have questioned themselves and refined their technics. By laughing and joking we have arrived at the end of this amazing adventure.
We’ll miss you, but I’m also sure we’ll meet you soon!
A big hug guys!
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