Writing this blog post is difficult, even if I know what to say. It's tricky because I would love to compress one emotional month into a few lines and can't do it using words, but I'll try.
I feel lucky because I met a dozen of incredible people, and they inspired me beyond any imagination. I’ve seen them overcome their limits, deal with fear and stress, and fight against the possibility of failure. Looking back, I understand now we were in the same situation.
We learned together that something is better than nothing, and even a 1% daily improvement does matter. We understood that sometimes there’s no way to avoid problems, and you must face them to grow stronger. We get that failing is good since we always learn something from it. I could spend days writing about what we have done (and maybe I will in the vlog), and I’m sorry if you, the reader, expected to find something technical here.
Yes, the final project was fantastic. Yes, we did some new stuff like photogrammetry, blender, and a wholly reworked modeling week, but wherever. The unicity and the willpower of everyone defined the actual value of these last 30 days.
Students often think their skill has to be measured in the last week’s workshop—nothing farther from the truth. You’re on a path pointing up right now; your journey is still long and full of curves, so keep going and do things. You’ll stop worrying soon. What can you do in one year if you get these results after one month?
Thank you, guys, because even if I teach you something about being a better artist, you give me back a lot more, showing me how to become a better person.
And now, don’t dare fucking stop. I’m always behind you looking (no pun intended, ok, Pablo?).
Until we meet again, I love you guys.