A trip to Sofia to discover ChaosGroup V-Ray
To me it’s always something surprising to see how amazing is the cooperation between people and companies to make the world in which they live and work a better place for future generations. This idea can also be applied to every kind of activity and in my particular experience, in the last few days I had the opportunity to experience this feeling with the Chaos Group team.
It has been an honor and a real pleasure to share with them my experience as an instructor and show them how the SOA Academy has become the place where new artists can grow. In our meeting we could exchange views on the subjects and the teaching methods of V-Ray and I’m sure that the way we’ve undertaken will lead us to big advantages in our Industry. We are aware that the world is looking for specialized professionals in our field and it’s the duty of teachers to convey correct and useful information to their students to master the software they use.
This kind of result can only be achieved if there’s synergy between the people who produce the software and the people who teach how to use it. I’m sure that this cooperation will lead us to extraordinary results and am looking forward to continuing working in this direction.
I hope to see you again soon.