Our policies


Non-discrimination and harassment policy

This policy is applicable to all those working in the Academy, both employees and students.

SOA Academy is committed to fostering a culture which promotes equality, values diversity and respects individual values. SOA Academy is willing to create a working place free from any discrimination and sexual harassment.

Harassment is an annoying conduct that violates person’s dignity or creates an intimidating, hostile or humiliating environment. Any form of discrimination, harassment or bullying based on race, color, ethnical or national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religious belief, physical or mental disability, veteran or marital status, ancestry, parental status will not be tolerated.

Any student or employee who believes that s/he has been victim of discrimination, harassment or sexual assault prohibited by this policy should immediately report the circumstances.

The Academy will take appropriate action to prevent, correct and discipline behaviours that violates this policy.

Copyright policy

We at SoA Academy recognize and respect intellectual property rights and are committed to fulfilling our moral and legal obligations with respect to our use of copyright-protected works.

SoA expects compliance with the SoA copyright policies from all students and external users of the website. Copyright infringement determines a violation of SoA intellectual property.

The copyright policy applies both to the website contents and the materials / information provided in the courses.

With concern to the copyright law adherence, we set the following policy for all our students:

No student at SoA Academy may reproduce any copyrighted work in print, video or digital form in violation of the law. Works are considered protected even if they are not registered with the Italian Copyright Office. Copyrighted works include, but are not limited to: printed and electronic materials, videos, movies, images, training materials, manuals, documentation, software programs, databases, websites and blogs. In general, the laws that apply to printed materials also apply to visual and digital formats such as contents published on the website.

SoA Academy expects its students to be responsible consumers of copyrighted materials.

Any violation to the copyright laws from the students or website’s external users may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including exclusion from the course.

Students are forbidden to use / copy / duplicate / sell/ spread the materials provided in the Academy.