An interesting and mysterious image called “Strange visitors” from our ex-student Rohan Deo.
After going home from the Masterclass, I had one thing in my mind: create what you imagine. So, like a 10 year old kid I sketched down all the things that I wanted to and with the help of the tools and tricks learned during the Masterclass, I created this image.
“Strange Visitors” is the story of a Father who went outside to play with his kid and dog. He went ahead and tried to take their picture but noticed two strange flying saucers coming towards the kid. What would be his next move? The challenge for me was to tell a story without losing the importance of the architecture and without using trees in the foreground. Grey has always helped to tell dark stories so I went for the same color pallet. What was that inspired me to create this? Lot of things! From Vincent Van Gogh’s artworks to H. G. Wells’s War of the worlds. And of course, the stormy evenings with dark grey clouds that I witnessed last year in the Netherlands.
To start with the scene I used a simple Hdri from Peter Guthrie. For the Building, I took a house model from Evermotion. And the grass field was created using Forest Pack. Later everything was done in Photoshop. I roughly spent a week to create this artwork.
Software used: 3DS Max 2015, V-Ray, Forest Pack, Adobe Photoshop.
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