December 4, 2017
Another stunning project called “Brooklyn apartment” from our ex-student Phil Ryan.

Another stunning project called “Brooklyn apartment” from our ex-student Phil Ryan.

This project started off as an entry for the Evermotion 2017 Challenge, however as I worked on the space it moved further and further away from the title of the challenge (The Perfect Getaway). Instead of scrapping the project I decided I would set a short timeline and try and create a set of images that I was happy with.

Usually in my professional work, the spaces are mostly designed before I get my hands on them. For this set of images, I allowed myself the luxury of designing a space that both appealed to my aesthetic look while also giving me the freedom to add lots of unusual accessories that would help make the space feel more lived in. A lot of the accessories are from free sources I found on the internet, as well as a lot of Evermotion models to speed things up.

As my home computer isn’t the fastest or most capable, I limited the rendering sizes to 2000px to provide myself with enough time to render out as many cameras as possible. I really enjoyed having complete autonomy while selecting cameras and I think this shows in the huge number of images I was able to produce for such a small space. These little vignette shots are quite rare in my day to day work, so creating these views was extremely enjoyable and I loved every second of working on the project.

Software used: 3DS Max, Corona Renderer, Photoshop (very very little, 95% of post work was done directly in the Corona Frame Buffer).

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