April 23, 2019
A new project from Joël Feyaerts in collaboration with Margo Claeys, ex students from the Masterclass#27.
Modern Villa by Joël Feyaerts
WOTW#71: Modern Villa by Joël Feyaerts

This project is a renovation of a modern villa in Kapellen (Belgium). The design was made by VRV architects and Helio-lights. We had less than 2 weeks to complete the 4 images.

For these images I worked with Margo Claeys, another ex-Masterclass student. For interiors she’s one of my regular freelancers.

The lighting plan was designed by Helio-lights and we had to put their exact lighting in the images. So every light has the correct IES lighting. We worked with Corona Renderer because with the lightmixer it’s easy to control the lights after rendering. In this way you can play with it afterwards with ease. Since we needed the lights to be shown, we have chosen for a more diffuse light in the early evening.

Also the furniture had to be correct because they are mainly existing furniture before the renovation. So we used Design Connected and 3dsky for the models.

The garden is simply made with Forest Pack and Railclone for the hedges.

Modern Villa by Joël Feyaerts
Modern Villa by Joël Feyaerts
Modern Villa by Joël Feyaerts
WOTW#71: Modern Villa by Joël Feyaerts
3dsMax, SketchUp, Corona Renderer, Adobe Photoshop, RailClone, Forest Pack, Quixel Suite.

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