May 20, 2019
Vegetation plays an essential role in this project called “Patio” by Aristotle Gaddi from the Masterclass#16.
Patio by Aristotle Gaddi
WOTW#75: Patio by Aristotle Gaddi

I’m not sure how I can explain this image. The only thing I know is, I am exploring more on Landscape CGI’s. It’s a part of my learning process. Modelling plants using GrowFX is one of the most important part and tweaking materials base on lighting.

The purpose of this CGI for me is to understand the nature, the green and how to achieve the realism in CGI. It’s part of my R&D (research and development) as well to learn more on landscape.

Personal work
3dsMax, Corona Renderer, Adobe Photoshop, Forest Pack, Floor Generator, Atiles.

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