This project originates from the constant desire to improve by focusing each time on a different object. The key point of this project was to replicate a photo of an architectural structure and to understand what the photographer was thinking at the time of shooting.
Starting from this idea I began looking for the perfect picture, which could inspire me, as well as help me initiate this growth path. The object of the image was not fundamental when compared to the picture as a whole and its creational background: the position of the camera, the light, the colors and the materials. These were to me particularly meaningful to understand what the photographer was trying to covey.

The images of House for Mother (Arch. Förstberg Ling), by photographer Markus Linderoth, were perfect for my purpose, being very simple but rich in details and standing out for their modern Swedish style.
This type of exercise let me learn about photography and long for perfection even in small details.