Two of the most interesting news in 2016 were the release of the version 1.5 of Corona Renderer for 3dsMax and the launch of the Corona Academy which let SOA teachers become Primary Certified Instructors.
CoronaRenderer 1.5 made many users approach the software because of the big amount of useful updates that it included. Among them we would like to remind you about the Interactive LightMix, the improvements in the import and use of materials, the possibility to apply filters on the render to reduce the post-production process.
It seems that in 2017 there might be the release of the 1.6 version and if the 1.5 is just a small part, we can only expect great things from the Render Legion team. The team has already revealed some possible novelties related to the 1.6 through their Daily Build released last December. For example, the triplanar mapping, curves in the VFB for render regions and the possibility to pan and zoom in the VFB during interactive rendering. The new 1.6 will also bring important speed improvements (for example in the LUT parsing) and some bug fixes.
We therefore look forward all these changes and in the meantime we continue testing the 1.5 and sending our feedback to the Corona team to help them improve Corona Renderer.
Also, in 2017 SOA offers the first Corona Renderer certified course from February 13th to 17th. The course is meant for all the Corona lovers who want to become the first Certified Users with a certification directly released from the Software House. To find out more on the rendering engine which is changing our way of working, join us!
Source page: Corona website and Youtube channel.