Masterclass#6: professionals in the world
We closed the Masterclass#6 last Friday and everytime we like to think at the good memories during this great experience. We’re honored to have hosted guys from all over the world and we’re proud about the results they were able to produce at the end. Their strenght and dedication gave them the chance to achieve the fantastic images of the Farnsworth House by Mies van der Rohe we show today on our website. We’re sure that starting from today their future’s going to be brighter and full of satisfactions.
Another bright spot has been the V-ray Certified Professional exam the guys taken during the Masterclass. It was hard and full of traps but at the end we were proud to certified the first Australian, American, Greek, Swiss, Slovenian, Mexican and Israeli on the Chaosgroup software and it’s incredible it happened here at Academy. We gave you the know-how, you put your soul and your art: what you did, it will stay on our memories forever.
Cheers Masterclass#6!
The Academy Team
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