Almost 5 years ago I came across this very interesting building of Mirador School on Archdaily designed by BmasC Arquitectos. It really got my attention so I decided to try to recreate it in 3d as my usual practice routine. The building is located on a sloped mountain range of Sierra de Gredos in central Spain which was my first surrounding input that I wanted to keep with a slight enhancement of the topology.
I finished the project but wasn’t very happy with the results so I made an archive for the scene and PSDs, and completely forgot about it.
A few months ago, while I was deleting some old files to make more space on my HDD, I came across this old project and remembered what I wanted to accomplish initially, so I decided to give it another try. I was working on the scene for just a couple of hours per day and after about a week these 3 images came to life.
It’s always great when some of the old projects get a new look, and for Mirador on the lake to be displayed on SOA couldn’t be a better conclusion.