June 12, 2020
Stunning images for the project “Between fabrics and flowers” designed by Cristina Livramento, former SOA student in the Masterclass#28.
WOTW#95: Between fabrics and flowers by Cristina Livramento

My image creation process begins when I imagine the person who will use the space I want to build. After this briefing I look for references that make me feel the sensations that I want to create in those who will see these images. What fascinates me about architectural visualization is that we are helping people to discover the best possibilities in the future scenario. I like to think of myself as someone who works to help society envision the ideal future.

The more techniques I learn the more I understand that the success of my work is not about technology, it’s about people and helping them to dream.

WOTW#95: Between fabrics and flowers by Cristina Livramento
3dsMax, Corona Renderer, Photoshop.

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